Consider the advantages of a small school with enormous opportunities. On Groton’s tight-knit campus—the Circle—you will know everyone, and you will be known. You will shape this community of peers and mentors, and you will be shaped by it. You will be inspired by lifelong friends who are just as curious and motivated as you are.
During morning Chapel services, students can perform a music offering for the community. This opportunity is available to students at many levels of experience, and Mr. Moriarty works with performers to help them prepare their offerings.
To commemorate the 50th Groton School/Lawrence Academy Holiday Hockey Tournament, retired longtime math teacher and hockey and football coach Jonathan Choate ’60, P’85, ’88, ’88, who co-founded the tournament, performed a ceremonial puck drop before Groton's matchup with St. Andrew's College on Thursday.
This holiday season the Dining Hall was transformed into a gingerbread kingdom: Jared and Courtney, Dining Hall employees, created a magical Groton-themed castle and Sixth Formers continued the tradition of building their own gingerbread houses.
The Groton School community received another early Christmas present this year, as an anonymous donor family has pledged up to $2 million to support Groton’s announcement that tuition will be free to students whose family income is $150,000 or less.
This generous gift will further the school’s ongoing commitment to containing tuition costs while meeting each qualified applicant’s full financial need.